Independence of all the profiles operating in the plant conduction is essential for the correct investment management Asset management realizes the best connection between accounting and financial aspects and maintenance planning with a comprehensive overview of all aspects and problems regarding the investment. Asset management is the core business of Sarda Sol.
Gained experience at different levels and positions in the realization of photovoltaic plants, regulatory developments, the appearance of obstacles that have diverted many investments from calculated returns, as well as the need to rebalance investment expectations permitted us to develop a high management expertise and to increase our experience. Sarda Sol, according to customer’s needs, carries out a team of first-rate professionals, selected after years of experience, and contacts in most European countries.
Administration and representation
Management of relationships with various entities involved in the administrative and legal aspects of the investment (Enel. GSE, Customs, Bank, Public Offices).
Cash flow management
Corporate liquidity management, payment of invoices, fiscal compliance and systematic control of all corporate expenses.
Multilingual Accounting services (Italian, English and German);
Ordinary accounting;
Calculation and payment of taxes(IMU, IRAP, IRES);
Payments and VAT refunds.
Control and management
Constant analysis and comparison of plant performance with expected values;
Verification of regulatory updates and adjustments;
Verification, control and contract writing (component warranty, right of surface, of supplies, of maintenance, of credit) and new negotiations;
Supervision of O&M service for customers who have in place an O&M contract.
Utmost transparency
Periodic reporting service
The customer receives monthly, bimonthly, half-yearly or yearly a report with exhaustive information of technical, administrative and financial nature so that he can have a general and detailed view of all aspects related to his business.
Service is divided into three sections:
Technical section
In coordination with O&M service, the customer is informed of the status plant, of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions, of any questions and of evaluation of maintenance cost incidence.
Administrative section
It provides detailed information about all bureaucratic burdens in coordination with the accounting and administration service. A monthly liquidity plan is at customer’s disposal.
Financial section
It concerns the control of the project financial structure: it provides the periodic verification of compliance with the business plan, the verification of amortisation schedules of credit agreement and affiliations with financial institutions.