Why Sardasol

Investments in photovoltaic sector must constantly deal with technical, administrative and legal issues

Regulatory changes generate adjustment costs

In most cases, project expectations have to confront with changed economic and legal conditions

In Italy and Spain, modifications of incentive contracts intervened retroactively (incentive spreading)

Energy cost registered sharp falls resulting in lower revenues

Appearance of additional taxes, that were not provided at the time of the Investment Assessment (IMU)

In this scenario, the evaluation of every action that allows to keep safe the initial investment margins is fundamental. For this reason, it is necessary to study, review and optimise the investment management costs, so that they can compensate lower incomes.
In this regard, it is essential to have a systemic approach and a complete view of costs and revenues that allows to control and decide the corrective actions to be taken.

Renegotiation of a bank loan contract, revision of an insurance policy, review of cadastral rent and a correct operational management of the plant can improve investment conditions. Sarda Sol handles the synergy between the subjects involved in the business management: investors, institutions, banks, electricians.


Sarda Sol is independent from any manufacturer, EPC and designer. It is therefore able to offer support by focusing on our Customers interest. Sarda Sol offers integrated asset management and O&M services, as well as the possibility to differentiate functions, in order to guarantee the client the independence between the more technical aspect of maintenance and the economic aspect of management.
For this reason, Sarda Sol offers asset management services also to customers who have maintenance contracts by engaging in the vehicle company without changing its structure.


During its ten years of experience, Sarda Sol has worked and achieved significant results in all investment stages, from planning to management, and this has allowed to develop the systemic approach necessary for a correct business conduct.


Sarda Sol handles optimisation of communication with its customers, by filtering and highlighting the most important issues through a process of constant consulting and reporting activities that provides the implementation of liquidity plans, of financial accounting, so that the client can constantly control the investment status from a technical, administrative and accounting point of view.


Sarda Sol handles interests of its customers in the offices of Hamburg and Oristano. This determines a very deep knowledge of the Italian and German markets. The company has gained significant experience in Spain and operates in the field thanks to technical and administrative partners with experience in the territory of reference.
This allows Sarda Sol to be competitive on a global scale.